Once again, another dose of friendly web design banter.
PPP Design
Professional, Affordable Website Design
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August, 2022 Edition
A Quick Test
No one likes tests. But, there is a simple test you can do to determine if your website is appropriate for your market. Compare your website to your competitors to determine if you are on track. You may need to look at a few competitor sites to gain a clear vision. Type the name of a competitor into your favorite search engine to begin. Check out the following points to see where you stand.

Does your competitor's site appear to be as professional as yours? Is it mobile-friendly and attractive, and does it load quickly? Is the site easier to navigate or more difficult than yours? Does the color scheme make sense? Remember, the websites will not look the same but can still serve the same purpose. Is your competitor's website out of date, is the look dated? If your site does not stack up, it may be time to update. Aside from the aesthetics, there are other issues to compare.

Check out your competitor's content. Is it easy to read? Does it make sense to the average visitor? Is it filled with hyperbole, or does it only state facts? Is your competitor's site stating things differently than yours? Are they conveying a similar message to your site? If your content seems lacking, it may be time to punch it up a bit. If your message is outdated, it may be time to refresh your content. With look and content out of the way, we only have one more comparison.

Search ranking and results can be tricky. A myriad of factors goes into determining search engine results. The following comparisons may be impacted by the specific words included in a site, the length of the text, as well as several other items. Type a keyword that describes your business into your favorite search engine. Where do you rank in the search results? What are the results when you enter your business name? How about your competitor? If your results aren't favorable, you should optimize your content for the search engines.

These quick comparisons will test your site against your competition to help determine if your website serves your market.
What's New

Check out the latest blog post:

Finishing Your Website
August 2022 Marketing Edge Blog Post

Smile  Just For Grins  Smile
  • Out of all my body parts I feel like my eyes are in the best shape. I do at least a thousand eye rolls a day.
  • Me: it's not how many times you fall, it's about how many times you get back up.
    Officer: that's not how field sobriety tests work.
  • I'm in a good place right now. Not emotionally. I'm just at the liquor store.
  • Drunk people, children, and leggings always tell the truth!
  • I want to be like a caterpillar. Eat a lot. Sleep for a while. Wake up beautiful.
  • Boss: Are you on drugs? Me: You and I both know that you don't pay me enough to have a drug problem.
  • Thursday: Better known as day 4 of the hostage situation.
  • I have changed the word age to level. Now, every year it sounds like I am getting better at something.
  • I just got my 30 minutes of cardio trying to pickup an ice cube off the floor.
  • I've started to do cross-fit...I cross my fingers and hope my pants fit.
  • I don't think I get enough credit for the fact that I do all of this unmedicated.
Monthly Tip

Mass Image Compressor

Mass Image Compressor is a free, easy-to-use batch image compressor. The open source program is perfect for anyone that wants to reduce image size and maintain image quality.

This free program will compress images as much as 90% while maintaining quality. You can batch convert entire directories. In most cases, Metadata tags stay intact. Smaller images mean your website will load faster.

Raw images from most cameras are supported and saved as jpeg files. You can also resize photos by percentage or specific dimensions.

Visit Mass Image Compressor Online to find out more.

Denison Links
Mobile friendly Area Website Directory, Recipe Database, and Family Resource Links

Monarch Country
Highlights, Scores, Schedules and More..

Marketing Edge Blog
Marketing tips and Commentary

Finishing Your Website
July 2022 Marketing Edge Blog Post

Mass Image Compressor
Batch compress and resize photos.

Virtual Gym Trainer
Just click on a muscle you want to tone to get simple exercises.

eat this much
Personalized meal plans based on your food preferences.

Adobe Color
Official Adobe site to help you find a color scheme or palette.

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