Once again, another dose of friendly web design banter.
PPP Design
Professional, Affordable Website Design
Phone: 712-263-5731
Design Custom Solutions Print Services
August, 2024 Edition
Maintenance is Key
A website is kind of like a car. If it isn't maintained, it won't be worth much. An old car may start and run, but the reliability is suspect. If maintained properly, an old car can be as reliable as a new one. A website works the same way. An out-of-date site, even if only a few years old, does not hold its value. An older website that has been kept current will attract more customers than an out-of-date newer site.

Periodic updates are enough for many websites. Other sites need consistent attention to stay current. Whichever camp you are in dictates the frequency of necessary updates. Smaller, frequent updates make staying current easier. However, some sites demand more comprehensive and less frequent revisions. Determining the frequency of website amendments is critical to staying current. A site like Monarch Country requires almost daily updating. PPP Design requires changes much less frequently. Your industry generally determines how often your website needs to be updated.

Specifics aside, maintaining your website determines whether it draws attention like a Ferrari or an old Pinto.
What's New

Check out the latest blog post:

Stress Free Roll Out of a New Website
August 2024 Marketing Edge Blog Post

Smile  Just For Grins  Smile
  • I hate it when the voices in my head go silent... I never know what they are planning.
  • An apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough
  • The trick is to not let people know how weird you are until it is to late for them to back out.
  • I am always being forced to do things I am not qualified for. Like being nice to idiots.
  • People keep mistaking my "wow's" for compliments
  • Returning the favor sounds so much nicer than revenge
  • Sorry I walked away mid-conversation. My survival instincts kicked in and you were boring me to death.
  • A giraffe's coffee would be cold by the time it reached the bottom of it's throat. Do you ever think about that? No, you only think about yourself.
  • Are they really "bad habits" if I like them?
  • The pandemic made us all do things we never dreamed we would do. Like, go up to a bank teller with a mask on and ask for money.
Monthly Tip


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Denison Links
Mobile friendly Area Website Directory, Recipe Database, and Family Resource Links

Monarch Country
Highlights, Scores, Schedules and More..

Marketing Edge Blog
Marketing tips and Commentary

Stress Free Roll Out of a New Website
August 2024 Marketing Edge Blog Post

Update and Install Programs in the Background.

Frog Facts
Everything you want to know about Frogs.

Guinness Book of World Records
Ready to set a World Record?

Origami Way
Learn Origami.

PPP Design
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