What's New ?
Make Your Move
Often business owners find themselves waiting for the right time to do
something. A business owner may hesitate to purchase a new piece of equipment,
invest in a new employee, start that new advertising campaign or take on a new
product line. Why are business people so cautious? We all have our reasons for
waiting to make a move on these types of things, but the very nature of being in
business for ourselves makes us the very opposite of cautious. Maybe that is why
we drag our feet when faced with decisions that allow us an opportunity to
Business men and women our faced with decisions everyday that
do not allow them to hesitate, in many cases a decision is necessary within
moments of the business owner being informed of a situation. That is part of
being a business owner. Quick decisions made based on the principles or
practices that a business adheres to are not only common, but in many cases are
routine in the daily life of a business owner. If Outsiders, even other business
owners, could watch as an entrepreneur makes these decisions it would make them
uncomfortable in the least case and nauseous in the most extreme cases. The
comfort level of the owner in making these decisions is dictated by experience
and the level of knowledge he or she has regarding their business.
intimate knowledge of ones business and a few years of experience make these
daily, sometimes crucial decisions almost seem common place. So back to our
original question, why do we hesitate? In most cases a business man or woman
knows within seconds whether or not an action should or will take place within
their organization. But the luxury of being allowed to hesitate is too great to
pass up. But the time spent in allowing ourselves these luxuries can be costly
in the same way that not making that inventory order in time can affect the
bottom line.
So go ahead, make your move, you have probably known all
along what you are going to do anyway. |
CarVi is a new device that can be used to make
driving safer. It is an on board camera that helps detect potential accidents and
lane deviations then offers a warning. I stumbled across this device on a
newegg blog so I will
link to the blog post for more information.
Find out more about CarVi here.
Merry Christmas!
and a

Happy New Year! |
Just for Grins
Could You Say That Again?
1. Two wrongs don't make a right, take your parents as an
Wouldn't exercise be more fun if calories screamed while you burned them?
3. Dear
alcohol, We had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter, and a better
dancer... I saw the video... we need to talk.
4. I used to think I was indecisive, but now
I'm not too sure. 5. If you see me smiling it's because
I'm thinking of doing something evil or naughty. If you see me laughing it's
because I've already done it. 6. Why is it everything I love
is either unhealthy, addicting or has multiple restraining orders against me?
7. She wanted a puppy. But I didn't want
a puppy. So we compromised and got a puppy. 8.
I hate people who use big words just to make themselves look perspicacious. 9.
Thanks for explaining the word "many" to me, it means a lot.
Autocorrect just changed "I have so much anxiety I can
barely breathe" to "I'm fine." |
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December 2016 Marketing Edge
Blog Post
Size Free drive scanning software to
determine file and folder sizes.
newegg Blog CarVi Blog Post
Folder Size
Folder Size from MindGems Software will scan
your hard drive(s) and determine the file and folder sizes found on the drive.
This can help you figure out why your hard disk space disappeared. Folder Size
will sort a chart by the largest files and folders, as well as provide detailed
file and folder information making it easy for you to determine which items are
important and which ones can be deleted.
You can scan an entire storage
device or a specific folder. You can easily see how many files and subfolders
are in each folder as well as when each file or folder was last accessed. Sort
by multiple columns, open files with their associated programs, even delete
files from any scan. Folder Size is freeware and also offers a more advanced
paid version.
Find out more about
Folder Size here. |
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