I am an eternal optimist.
Many that know me may not agree,
but internally I am a very
positive person. Sure, I gripe
and grumble a lot, but I don't
take myself that seriously, so I
get over it. I learned from my
parents that nothing in this
world is permanent, so there is
no sense in getting over-excited
about anything (Although I do
get over excited at times.). I
get nervous when people seem
panicky, and I don't feel the
same way. Am I missing
something, or did I sleep
through the tutorial?
current virus and political news
are enough to scare just about
anyone. It seems there is no end
to the clickbait and
sensationalized headlines.
Although this all seems new,
history tells us that this will
pass like every other crisis.
Americans have a way of facing
problems and dealing with them
We are, if
nothing else, resilient as a
nation. Battles and revolutions
decorate our history and define
us in ways like no other
country. Civil wars and riots
could not break us apart, and I
don't believe they will now.
The holidays lend us an
opportunity to create positive
memories for 2020. Communicating
with families, reaching out to
old friends, and remembering
what the holidays truly mean can
comfort us as we move into 2021.
At least I am optimistic.
Wishing You and Your Family a
Merry Christmas and Happy New
