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September, 2022 Edition
Battling Inflation
 With looming inflation, we must maintain profit margins along with seeking sales. A three-pronged approach of adjusting prices, finding new sources of growth, and cutting costs (boosting productivity) are the main adjustments successful companies make to stay profitable during periods of inflation.

Prudent price increases eliminate the need to catch up while battling increasing costs. If you invoice your customers, stay vigilant to avoid customers passing their cash flow problems on to you.

Stock up at lower prices, during sales, or before supplier price hikes. Be cautious; too much inventory can also cause problems. Spend intelligently; many supply issues are out of your hands, so it may be necessary to find new supply chains that offer lower shipping prices or faster delivery. Know where every dollar is going, and weigh the costs against results at every step. Cutting costs that jeopardize a brand do not make sense over the long run.

Look for ways to streamline your operation. Shorten hours for noncritical departments. Incentivize workers to be more productive. Offer production or innovation bonuses. Boost employee loyalty and work as a team to maintain growth. The most efficient workers will shine in times of inflationary pressure. Analyze all production processes to determine if there are redundancies and eliminate work wherever possible.

Inflation can attack a business on several fronts. These steps have generated higher returns during inflationary pressure for many Businesses.
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Dating and Business
September 2022 Marketing Edge Blog Post

Smile  Just For Grins  Smile
  • I'm not sure how many cookies it takes to be happy, but so far it's not twenty seven.
  • The first thing I do when I get to work is hide. Because a good worker is hard to find.
  • My crazy neighbor was banging on my door at 2:30am this morning....luckily I was still up playing my bagpipes.
  • I'm so old, I can remember going through a whole day without taking a picture of anything.
  • My housekeeping style is best described as "There appears to have been a struggle".
  • I thought the clothes dryer made my clothes shrink. Turns out it was the refrigerator.
  • I'm glad you're learning to laugh at yourself....That was getting kind of awkward for the rest of us.
  • Chocolate comes from cocao which is a tree, that makes it a plant. Chocolate is a salad?
  • My wife winked at me when she handed me a cup of coffee this morning. I have never been more scared of a drink in my life.
Monthly Tip


CryptSync is a free, open-source program that synchronizes two folders while encrypting the contents of one of them. Ideal if you are using a cloud storage option. The unencrypted folder is your working folder, while the encrypted folder is available for backup to the cloud. You can even make duplicate encrypted backups when using two cloud storage providers.

Two-way synchronization means if you add a file to the unencrypted folder, it will be encrypted and copied to the encrypted folder. A file added to the encrypted folder results in an unencrypted copy added to the unencrypted folder.

You can use CryptSync to back up files to an external drive. CryptSync not only encrypts files, but it compresses them at the same time. CryptSync offers many options.

Visit the CryptSync website to download and find out more.

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Dating and Business
September 2022 Marketing Edge Blog Post

Encryption and Synchronization tool.

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