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The Millennial Market includes people born between the early 1980s to late 1990s. Many millennials are underemployed, enjoy learning, believe in investing, and are tech-savvy. As this generation ages, many think they may become very wealthy. They tend to invest and have learned from their parents that they need to live within their budget. So how do we reach millennials?

Mobile is where to reach them.
Millennials grew up with tech and were the first generation to grow up with smartphones. They use tech to communicate, work, learn, and for entertainment.

Contextual Advertising
Often automated, contextual advertising is the placement of promotional material among relevant digital content. For example, An ad promoting a pressure cooker placed near a recipe requiring a pressure cooker. Contextual advertising uses keywords to match promotions with content.

Social Media
Millennials use social media and expect to find businesses online. An active social media presence may help you reach them. Avoid overdoing it; millennials will ignore a Business online when spammed.

Supporting a Cause
Millennials tend to buy from businesses that agree with their social stance on issues. Choose social causes carefully; they can quickly become political.

Blogs and social media sites are more influential with Millennials than experts who are strangers. Traditional marketing does not work with Millennials; they prefer a more organic approach. Referrals from friends and family are more important than advertising. Give Millennials a reason to come to you, and they will be very loyal customers. They may also tell their friends.

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