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PPP Design

Completely Mobile


Mobile marketing is a buzz word in today’s market place. However, mobile marketing alone is not enough for a business to establish a successful mobile strategy. Ad campaigns or promotions aimed at consumers using mobile devices do not ultimately create brand awareness with mobile users. A mobile destination is necessary to complete the strategy.

Imagine a mobile phone user that captures a QR code directed to your website. If your website is not optimized for mobile devices the mobile phone user will not have an experience that is positive for your business or brand. Most mobile device users want to transfer the least amount of data possible to gain the information they seek. A website that is not optimized for mobile devices can cause a mobile visitor to utilize sizable amounts of their allotted data transfer for the month.

A complete mobile strategy is needed to not only reach but serve the ever growing mobile device using population. To successfully reach these tech savvy consumers it is necessary to understand who they are. A recent study found that around 64% of smart phone users were male. Over thirty percent of these users have incomes that exceed $100,000. It is no wonder that businesses are clamoring to access this market.

A dedicated mobile website or a website optimized for mobile along with a marketing plan to reach mobile device users forms the basis for a successful mobile marketing strategy. However, a process to provide sales and service to these users must also be considered. Will you need a mobile device of your own? Can you utilize existing sales and service processes to adequately address mobile user’s needs? These are questions each business must consider to make sure they are prepared for the mobile Marketplace.

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