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YouTube Channels


I was recently asked if it is a good idea to use YouTube to promote your website. The answer is a resounding maybe. YouTube does offer the largest online video audience with roughly 800 million visitors each month. According to Pew Research this is more than 200 million more viewers than ABC, NBC and CBS averaged combined monthly for their evening news broadcasts in 2011.

Before you start your own YouTube Channel it is important to determine the goal(s) you wish to achieve with your video(s). Do you intend to drive traffic to your website or your brick and mortar store, demonstrate products or promote an event? Developing a plan is important if you want followers to return to your channel and recommend it to others.

Can you devote the time necessary to maintain the channel? You probably don't need your own channel if you are only going to post one video. Establishing and nurturing a YouTube Channel is similar to the responsibility of a blog. If you post once every three months it will be difficult to gather a following. Posting a new video each week would be great but once a month may do in a pinch. It is important to stay consistent so visitors know when they can expect a new video.

Avoid making and posting commercials, no one really wants to see them and you may drive away interested followers. Keep your videos reasonable in length and entertaining. You don't need to sing or dance but avoid stale material. You know what is appropriate for your market, stay within the assumed guide lines of decorum for your industry and you should be fine.

Promote your YouTube Channel on Social Media outlets, on your website, in print or where ever it seems appropriate. A small poster in your office or store can be an inexpensive way to gain pre qualified followers and deepen your brand connection.

You can make your own videos or hire a professional videographer but be sure to keep your message clear and consistent with other marketing efforts. Remember to review your video before posting, any mistakes or miscues will be broadcast world wide and once it is out there you can't get it back.

With a little planning and promotion a YouTube Channel can be a great way to drive traffic to your website.

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