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PPP Design

Why Do People Buy From You?


Do you know why people buy from you? It may surprise you to learn that many executives and managers can't answer this simple question. Why is it so difficult? Shouldn't every business be able to offer a quick response to this question?

It is difficult because businesses don't ask and customers don't always tell. Make a mistake and customers will not hesitate to tell you that you did something wrong, do something right and all they do is buy from you. Wait a minute, "All they do is buy from you!" Well, that's the goal isn't it? If it is, you may not be in business for very long. Our goal as a business should be to provide value, not just rake in profits.

We all know that a business can not afford to provide value to it’s customers at a loss so generating a profit is a critical component of any successful enterprise. It is just as important to a business that they offer something more than just a product or a service. Is it customer service, perhaps it is training or it could even be a friendly staff? What you offer to create value for your customer is up to you.

Take a good look at your business and determine why customers buy from you or just as important, why they do not buy from you. The answers to these questions will provide a clear marketing path. Don't be afraid to ask customers why they purchase from you. This may be better done in an anonymous survey than asking them directly. You may find it isn't your advertising that is drawing them in the door; instead it may be your pleasant personality. If so, your next marketing campaign should mention your friendly service.

If you are providing friendly service and products or services at a fair price then you are providing true value!

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