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Holiday Preparation


It may seem early to begin preparing for the holidays however early preparation may be the key to reducing holiday stress. Thanksgiving and Black Friday is still several weeks away but inventory, staff schedules and promotional planning can sometimes take weeks to develop. Holiday prep isn’t just about retail sales either. The stress induced by the season can be alleviated by preparing well in advance.

Many people face the holiday season with a sense of dread due to the overwhelming obligations they feel for family, their business and its customers. Stress can be reduced or even eliminated by careful planning. Developing a strategy that deals with hurdles the holidays impose on you and your business can not only help you deal with but even enjoy the time with your Family.

Start with an overview of what needs to be done to prepare for each occasion then begin with the most critical tasks. Address the most difficult problems first, this allows for more time if obstacles are encountered. Consider staff issues well in advance of a holiday so any special considerations can be worked out in advance. A pleasant, happy staff can be the difference between success and failure for any business.

Follow up with promotional planning, inventory preparation and customer service concerns. Properly planned advertising campaigns and inventory that meets consumer demand make any occasion easier to deal with. Be sure to have enough staff on hand to deal with customer needs effectively. Unhappy customers can inflame an already stressful situation.

Finally, make time for yourself. Make certain you are prepared to face the onslaught that the holidays can bring. Take care of yourself physically and mentally. Be certain to get enough sleep, make time for the gym or go out to eat for a quite dinner, whatever helps you reduce stress will make it easier to enjoy a time that can sometimes overwhelm business owners.

No matter how much we plan a crisis always seems to pop up, but careful planning not only reduces the risk of a critical event but it also makes it easier to deal with if a crisis does arise. Take the time to prepare now and enjoy the holidays.

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