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Sales and Contests


Are you taking advantage of simple sales and contests on your website? How about on your Facebook business page? People love sales and they certainly like contests. It seems however, that online businesses or more succinctly small businesses that have an online presence avoid online promotions and sales. It is the same as running a sale ad in the newspaper except it's cheaper and easier.

A simple "10% off for a limited time" sale can generate sales, attract new customers, bring back old customers and help your business focus on specific products or services. A sale is a great way to reduce an over stocked item or to announce a new product line. Sales can also help promote a service, letting your customers and others know that you offer a popular service can be a real marketing boost.

Contests are a great way to create the stickiness every website strives for. Regular contests that allow for multiple entries can be a great way to get visitors to return again and again. Rotating ads or ads that change regularly can create sales and brand awareness on a sign up page. Some contests require that a visitor return to a website during a specific period to find out who one the contest and claim a prize.

A sale or contest does not need to break the bank. We all like to get something for nothing and a discount is always well received. Running periodic sales or promotions also creates fresh content and gives visitors a reason to return to your website over and over again. And isn't that what we all want?

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