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Creating Customers that Expect A Lot!



Why would you want to create customers with high expectations? That’s an easy question to answer when you consider why they expect so much. Customers typically expect more from businesses that have given them more.

 This is a good thing! Where can your customers turn for that little bit extra you are willing to give them? You can determine what the “extra” is that your business offers. Very few businesses are willing to expend the extra effort that creates expectant customers. So they turn to you.

 How do you create the quality expectant customer? Each business has to define this for itself, but a few items are universal. The first is going the extra mile for your customers, once you and your customer have established that win-win situation; you take it a step further and surpass their expectations. This may mean calling after a sale to verify if a customer is happy with their purchase. You might offer free set up as well as free delivery. Whatever the “extra” is should be easily recognized by your customer as something extra.

 Timely customer service is a must. A quick response to problems and or questions places you at the forefront of customer service. An early response to an email or phone call will pleasantly surprise most customers.

Be a problem solver. You should respond quickly to problems or questions regarding your products and services and also try to help when a problem isn't necessarily related to your business. Sometimes a friendly gesture creates life long customers.

 And finally, an enthusiastic response to every issue whether it is pre sale, during delivery or post sale will help build the type of lasting relationship with your customers that every business works toward. Give your customers more than your competition and they end up expecting more than your competition will give.

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