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What Five Year Olds Don't Know About Business


In September, I wrote what we need to know about business we learned when we were five years old. The blog post titled "Kindergarten Taught Us A Lot About Business" touched on the Golden rule, The art of the deal, customer service, and labor. There are, however, a few things we learned in Kindergarten that is a no', no' in business.

Standing in Line
This practice, while appropriate for Kindergarten, will not get you very far in business. If your corporate strategy is to wait in line behind your competitors, you will not be in business very long. Cutting to the front of the line is often rewarded. Innovation, creativity, and a bold approach pave the way for many successful entrepreneurs. So, get out of line, leap to the front, and enjoy the benefits.

Think Outside of the Box
In Kindergarten, we learned to conform and go along with the class. As a business, we must think differently to set ourselves apart from the competition. If we go along with the pack, our brand will never stand out among other similar businesses. Often, the only thing that makes us different is the way we do things.

Making Noise
No one asks a five-year-old to make more noise, no one in their right mind at least. A business, however, must make noise or promote itself to succeed. How will someone buy your product or service if no one knows you exist. So get out that bullhorn and make sure everyone knows you are here.

Nap Time
Getting enough sleep is crucial, but doing it on the job may not work out so well. The old saying, You snooze, you lose, is apropos for business. Taking a nap while your competition works is a sure-fire way to fall behind.

Even though we learned a lot of business basics while we were in Kindergarten, avoiding the things that make us just like everyone else is critical. Self-promotion and standing out in a crowd are elements that comprise every successful business. Don't forget you still don't want to be that kid that eats paste.

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