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Branding takes place when a business promotes itself through ordinary daily activities along with specific promotions and advertising. Most companies strive to brand themselves every day. When a retail business places checkout items in a bag or box featuring their logo, they are branding their business. Every time a customer sees that bag, the logo reminds them where they purchased that product. If a friend or relative of a customer views the bag, they realize that someone they trust shops at your store. The subtle impact of identity branding can be dramatic over time.

Business signage has a similar effect; when people view the sign while driving by a store or office. Sales receipts with a logo and a website address can draw the same attention. Branding is the act of putting your stamp on a business. Branding imprints your business with a specific identity. These are obvious ways of branding a company, but what can an owner do to create more opportunities to place their stamp on a business?

One method would be to create Automatic response systems for email contacts from a business website. Of course, the business should respond to these requests promptly, but an auto-response can offer otherwise unknown discounts, coupons, or access to unique inventory. In this case, whenever someone emails you, your business has an opportunity to brand itself.

A distinct logo may create brand recognition over time. The Nike swoosh comes to mind in this case. A logo should stand out and have a flair associated with your business. Color, design, and text are all critical components of your logo. Your logo, like your brand, should be consistent and recognizable. Studies show that some people will not buy from you if you do not have a pleasing logo, regardless if they have heard good things about you.

Implement a Newsletter sign-up system on your website that offers a one-time discount after a successful sign-up. Now the individual who signed up will not only receive your periodic newsletter promoting your business, but they also have a percentage off their next purchase, which entices them to purchase from you.

Your products can brand your company as well. If you sell only high-end merchandise, your brand will reflect that. The same is true if you feature discount-priced products. Companies like Mercedes, Rolls Royce, Gucci, and Rolex are good examples of high-end product branding.

Create a consistent voice or identity for your company. Develop a template for the tone you want to use to relate to your customers. This template will guide you as you build a consistent corporate personality.

How can you take advantage of branding in your business? Social media offers many opportunities to promote your business without creating a separate campaign. Every business is different and requires a unique approach to branding. Look at the steps you take to fulfill your obligations as a business owner and search for opportunities to put your stamp on your business? Branding, along with traditional promotions, can not only help you advertise but can also help you build and establish your long-term brand.

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