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PPP Design

The Next Step



So you have done everything you can to promote your website? Your site has been submitted to the search engines, relevant keywords and phrases have been applied to your Meta tags. Your site validates and is being indexed by search engines. Your website content is current and relevant. What is left for you to do?

Actually, you are ready to take the next step. The next step is to leverage your website into a tool that not only saves you time and money but also helps your visitors save as well.

Start by considering how your website can save you time by addressing customer questions or concerns. Why do your customers call your office, can the questions be answered on your website? Can you reduce the time your staff spends on the phone answering the same question over and over again?  Not all questions should be answered on your website but there are repetitive inquiries that take an inordinate amount of time to address that can and should be handled online. Many "How To" type questions can be directed to an online guide or tutorial which saves you time and money. Your customers appreciate the thoughtfulness of providing the guide.

Are there documents and forms that you need your customers to fill out before they visit your office? Direct customers to your website to download and pre-fill the forms at their convenience this saves you and your customers time when they arrive at your office.

 Make samples available online, such as color swatches and chips, this may make purchasing much easier when a customer arrives at your store. Your staff should be aware in this case that not all monitors view colors the same.

 Turn your website into a site of authority, offer tutorials, demonstrations and how to tips on using your products and your visitors will return again and again. The use of video is prevalent on the internet and can be used to demonstrate products and accessories.

The Next Step depends largely on the industry you are in but these tips should get you thinking about ways to leverage your website.


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