Monarch Basketball Highlights
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Monarchs vs Red Oak
The Monarchs took the floor to warm up, and #1 Nash Langenfeld got everything started when he went to the hoop.
#3 Linkin Beeck followed through on his shot.
#14 Roman Bygness went to the basket.
#10 Camdyn Nemitz kept his eye on the ball after his shot.
Lucky Lanes Bowling
Lucky Lanes Bowling
#12 Owen Galvin was the next player to head to the hoop.
#35 Javin Baker dropped the ball through the net.
#11 Blaine Grady followed through on his shot.
#13 Wilson Riphin landed the shot.
#5 Blaze Palmer went to the hoop.
#4 Edgar Ortiz followed his teammate to the hoop.
#22 John Parr landed the basket.
#23 Yassin Sila passed the ball to #35 Javin as the team ran through some plays.
#2 Santi Lopez fired the ball to #22 John on the side of the court.
#23 Yassin covered #12 Owen while warming up.
#4 Edgar closed in on #10 Camdyn.
#23 Yassin was covered by #2 Santi as he fired off the shot.
#2 Santi sent the ball to #3 Linkin.
The team captains and coaches meet to get the game started.
The Monarchs came to the sideline for introductions.
#3 Linkin greeted his opponent from Red Oak.
#1 Nash & #3 Linkin welcomed #10 Camdyn to the floor.
#11 Blaine joined the starters on the floor.
#13 Wilson greeted his opponent.
The team met on the floor before the start of the game against Red Oak.
The ref tossed the ball into the air for the tip-off.
#11 Blaine caught the ball after it was tipped.
#11 Blaine passed the ball out to #1 Nash, and the whistle blew.
The ball was turnover, and #1 Nash was the front line of defense for the Monarchs.
Totten Plumbing & Heating
Totten Plumbing & Heating
#3 Linkin kept the Red Oak player from passing into the paint.
#3 Linkin & #11 Blaine covered the ball handler.
#1 Nash pressured the ball handler.
#13 Wilson made it difficult for the Red Oak player to shoot.
#10 Camdyn stepped out to handle the inbound pass.
#3 Linkin allowed time for the team to get into position.
Langenfeld Contracting
Langenfeld Contracting
#3 Linkin passed the ball to #11 Blaine.
The defender closed in on #11 Blaine.
#13 Wilson fired the ball out to #10 Camdyn.
There was a turnover, and #1 Nash pressured the ball handler as he moved upcourt.
#3 Linkin & #11 Blaine pressured the Red Oak player.
#10 Camdyn.
#1 Nash , #11 Blaine , and #3 Linkin pressured the ball handler.
The ball was knocked away from the Red Oak player, and #3 Linkin grabbed it and headed upcourt.
#3 Linkin headed for the key.
#3 Linkin covered as he went to the hoop.
#3 Linkin followed through and landed the shot for 2 points.
The Monarch Cheerleaders cheered as #3 Linkin went to the free throw line.
After drawing a foul, #3 Linkin landed his free throw.
#1 Nash pressured the player into passing the ball. #1 Nash tipped the ball slightly off-target.
#3 Linkin went after the ball.
#1 Nash covered the ball handler. While #13 Wilson protected the lane.
#1 Nash continued to pressure the ball handler. #3 Linkin jumped and hit the ball as it was passed.
#3 Linkin and the Red Oak player raced after the ball.
#3 Linkin gained control of the ball and headed upcourt.
#1 Nash pushed through the defender as they waited for the inbound pass.
Quality Truck, Tire, & Auto
Quality Truck, Tire, & Auto
#13 Wilson received the inbound pass from #11 Blaine.
#13 Wilson tossed the ball to #11 Blaine as he came onto the floor.
#11 Blaine moved across the floor and then passed the ball.
#10 Camdyn fired off a shot from the perimeter and added three points to the scoreboard.
#1 Nash was the front line of defense.
#3 Linkin pressured the ball handler.
#13 Wilson blocked out the Red Oak player as #1 Nash pressured the ball handler.
#13 Wilson & #11 Blaine closed in on the ball handler.
#13 Wilson caught the rebound.
Moeller Trucking
Moeller Trucking
#13 Wilson hit the floor and headed up the court.
#13 Wilson brought the ball across mid-court and then passed it to #1 Nash.
#1 Nash drove into the paint.
#1 Nash was covered as he went to the net.
#1 Nash fired off the shot for two points.
#13 Wilson & #11 Blaine covered the Red Oak shooter.
#11 Blaine went after the rebound.
The ball hit the floor, and #3 Linkin hit the ball toward #10 Camdyn.
#10 Camdyn grabbed the ball for the Monarchs.
There was a turnover, and #10 Camdyn stepped out and handled the inbound pass.
#3 Linkin passed the ball and headed upcourt.
#11 Blaine was pressured by the defender as he moved upcourt.
#11 Blaine moved past the defender and headed for the paint.
#11 Blaine droved between the defenders and headed to the basket.
#11 Blaine landed the shot for the Monarchs.
#13 Wilson cut the angle of the shot, causing him to miss the basket.
#11 Blaine & #13 Wilson pressured the Red Oak shooter for a second time.
#11 Blaine sent the inbound pass to #3 Linkin.
#11 Blaine was pressured as he prepared to pass the ball.
#1 Nash was met with the same pressure.
#1 Nash moved up the side of the court.
#1 Nash turned and moved in on the floor to pass the ball to #11 Blaine.
#11 Blaine fired the ball across the court to #10 Camdyn.
#10 Camdyn pulled in the defender and then passed the ball.
#3 Linkin pushed his way into the paint.
#3 Linkin fought through two defenders to pass the ball.
CarQuest Auto Parts
CarQuest Auto Parts
The ball went out of bounds, and #1 Nash handled the inbound pass.
#3 Linkin caught the ball and sent it to #11 Blaine.
#13 Wilson went after the defensive rebound.
#11 Blaine handled the inbound pass after a call against Red Oak.
#14 Roman caught the inbound pass.
#14 Roman passed the ball to #3 Linkin.
#3 Linkin pulled in the defender and sent the ball back to #14 Roman.
#14 Roman brought the ball across the mid-court line.
#14 Roman drove into the paint and made a bounce pass.
There was a turnover, and #14 Roman covered the ball handler.
#1 Nash & #3 Linkin double-teamed the Red Oak player.
#13 Wilson cut the angel of the shot.
#11 Blaine went after the rebound.
#11 Blaine handled the inbound pass.
Kathryn Heilesen CPA
Kathryn Heilesen CPA
#14 Roman looked for an open teammate.
La Estrella
La Estrella
#11 Blaine passed the ball back to #14 Roman.
#1 Nash tossed the ball to #13 Wilson.
#13 Wilson was pressured by two defenders.
#11 Blaine fired off a shot from the top of the key. 1471
#13 Wilson pressured the ball handler.
Family Table Restaurant
Family Table Restaurant
#3 Linkin & #11 Blaine made it difficult for the Red Oak player to pass the ball.
#1 Nash pressured the ball handler as #14 Roman closed in on him.
#11 Blaine rejected the shot.
#11 Blaine caught the ball as he returned to the ground.
#11 Blaine headed up the court.
The players applauded for #11 Blaine.
#11 Blaine stepped out to handle the inbound pass after a call against Red Oak.
#2 Santi caught the inbound pass.
#2 Santi moved in on the floor.
#2 Santi looked for an open teammate and then passed the ball.
#14 Roman stepped out to handle the next inbound pass.
#14 Roman sent the pass to #11 Blaine.
#11 Blaine allowed time for the players to get into position.
#12 Owen caught the ball and was instantly covered by 2 defenders.
#11 Blaine sent the ball to #10 Camdyn.
#10 Camdyn fired off the shot from the perimeter.
#12 Owen pressured the Red Oak player.
#14 Roman made it difficult for the ball handler to pass the ball.
The Monarchs closed in on the Red Oak ball handler.
#12 Owen came for the steal.
#14 Roman raced for control of the ball.
#14 Roman passed the ball to #12 Owen.
#12 Owen drove into the lane.
#12 Owen pulled up, and the Red Oak player smothered him.
#12 Owen landed the basket for two points.
#14 Roman covered the ball handler.
#11 Blaine protected the lane.
#10 Camdyn pulled in the defensive rebound.
#10 Camdyn headed up the court for the Monarchs.
Hipnar Lawn Service
Hipnar Lawn Service
#10 Camdyn passed the ball to #11 Blaine.
#11 Blaine tossed the ball to #14 Roman as he stepped over to block the Red Oak player.
There was a turnover, and #12 Owen pulled in the rebound.
#12 Owen fought to keep control of the ball.
The jump ball was awarded to the Monarchs, and #11 Blaine handled the inbound pass.
#12 Owen headed upcourt with the ball.
There was a turnover, and #12 Owen covered the ball handler.
#10 Camdyn pressured the ball handler.
#12 Owen & #14 Roman jumped to cut the angle of the shot.
#11 Blaine handled the inbound pass after a Red Oak basket.
Sunshine Styles
Sunshine Styles
#12 Owen hustled after a loose ball.
Schwarte Accounting
Schwarte Accounting
#12 Owen grabbed the ball as it bounced.
#12 Owen added two points to the scoreboard for the Monarchs.
#14 Roman covered the ball handler.
#2 Santi, #14 Roman, and #11 Blaine pressured the ball handler into passing the ball.
#14 Roman cute the angle of the shot.
#11 Blaine handled the inbound pass.
#10 Camdyn received the inbound pass.
#12 Owen brought the ball upcourt.
#14 Roman passed the ball to #12 Owen.
#12 Owen moved up the side of the court.
#12 Owen sent the ball to #11 Blaine.
#11 Blaine sent the ball to #2 Santi.
#2 Santi moved up the side of the key.
#2 Santi pulled up as #11 Blaine blocked the Red Oak player.
#2 Santi fired off a jump shot from the perimeter.
#14 Roman pulled in the rebound and passed the ball to #11 Blaine.
#11 Blaine headed to the hoop.
#11 Blaine landed the basket for two points.
#2 Santi and #11 Blaine forced the Red Oak player to pass the ball.
#11 Blaine rejected the shot.
#11 Blaine recovered the ball and turned to head upcourt.
#11 Blaine raced up the court.
#10 Camdyn blocked the ball.
Go Monarchs!!!
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