Lady Monarch Softball Highlights
Please Thank the Sponsors who make these highlights possible.
Lady Monarchs vs Perry
#3 Claire Leinen warmed up on the mound.
#8 Grace Collins warmed up at the plate.
Lucky Lanes Bowling
Lucky Lanes Bowling
#13 Emily Gehlsen fired the ball into home plate.
#11 Haley Lutz warmed up on the mound.
#14 Marley Boettger warmed up at first base.
#15 Gracen Plagge warmed up by home plate.
#23 Norah Huebert blasted the ball to first base.
#6 Malana Gillmor blasted the ball over to first base.
#14 Marley sent the ball home.
#15 Gracen tossed the ball to #8 Grace.
#16 Alejandra Cardenas ran and caught the ball.
#2 Avery Bock hustled to get under the ball.
#4 Rylan Ipsen raced to the ball.
#5 Kamden Bruhn warmed up in the outfield.
#7 Ann Wessel hustled to the ball.
#4 Rylan & #5 Kamden.
The Lady Monarchs headed to the dugout.
#2 Avery greeted her opponent.
#10 Mayah Slater shook hands with her opponent.
#9 Gaby Cardenas greeted her opponent.
The Lady Monarchs stood for the National Anthem.
Totten Plumbing & Heating
Totten Plumbing & Heating
#7 Ann was the left fielder for the Lady Monarchs.
#5 Kamden warmed up with #4 Rylan.
#4 Rylan sent the ball back to #5 Kamden.
#2 Avery warmed up with#7 Ann.
#3 Claire fired a few pitches into home plate to warm up.
The infielders met on the mound to start the game.
Langenfeld Contracting
Langenfeld Contracting
#3 Claire pitched to the first Perry batter.
#3 Claire sent a strike across the plate and #8 Grace sent the ball back to the mound.
#3 Claire looked to home plate.
#9 Gaby stepped up as the next pitch was thrown.
#23 Norah moved in on the field.
#3 Claire fired the next pitch into home plate.
#4 Rylan covered right field.
#8 Grace sent the ball back to the mound.
#3 Claire blasted the ball into home plate.
#4 Rylan threw the ball to the cut-off person.
#23 Norah brought the ball back to the infield.
#3 Claire pitched to the next batter.
#10 Mayah stepped up as the pitch was thrown.
#8 Grace went after the foul ball.
#13 Emily waited as the pitch was thrown.
#3 Claire fired the second strike across the plate.
Quality Truck, Tire, & Auto
Quality Truck, Tire, & Auto
#5 Kamden covered the center field.
#9 Gaby reminded everyone one down.
#2 Avery :)
#3 Claire fired the ball into home plate and struck out the batter.
#10 Mayah covered the shortstop position.
#3 Claire pitched to the next batter.
Moeller Trucking
Moeller Trucking
The players watched from the dugout.
#8 Grace protected the plate.
#8 Grace caught the second strike.
#8 Grace threw the ball back to #3 Claire.
#3 Claire waited for the signal.
#3 Claire struck out the Perry batter for the third out.
#7 Ann was the lead batter for the Lady Monarchs.
#7 Ann caught a piece of the ball.
#7 Ann slowed down when the ball went foul.
#2 Avery stepped up to the plate for the Lady Monarchs.
#2 Avery stepped out of the batters' box to take a practice swing.
#10 Mayah came out to the plate for the Lady Monarchs.
#10 Mayah tipped the ball foul.
#10 Mayah caught a piece of the ball.
#9 Gaby moved in on the field.
#3 Claire zipped the ball into home plate.
#23 Norah moved into position.
#9 Gaby dove for the ball and stopped it by third base.
#3 Claire fired off the next pitch.
#10 Mayah was on the move when the pitch went into home plate.
#8 Grace was tough behind the plate.
#3 Claire sent the next pitch.
CarQuest Auto Parts
CarQuest Auto Parts
#4 Rylan closed in on the ball.
#4 Rylan dove for the ball stopping its forward progress.
#23 Norah back #4 Rylan up and grabbed the ball. #23 Norah checked second base.
#23 Norah threw the ball to #3 Claire.
#8 Grace waited for instructions from the dugout.
#3 Claire fired off the next pitch.
The batter set herself up to bunt. #23 Norah covered first base as #8 Grace prepared to throw the ball to her.
#5 Kamden waited for the next pitch to be thrown.
the ball went foul by the first base line. #8 Grace threw the ball back to #3 Claire.
#3 Claire looked to home plate.
Kathryn Heilesen CPA
Kathryn Heilesen CPA
#3 Claire fired the ball into home plate.
The base runner just beat the ball to the base.
La Estrella
La Estrella
#13 Emily was ready if #3 Claire threw the ball to first.
#4 Rylan went after the foul ball.
#4 Rylan threw the ball to the infield.
#13 Emily was ready for the next pitch.
Family Table Restaurant
Family Table Restaurant
#8 Grace blasted the ball to second base.
#10 Mayah caught the ball and swung to tag the runner.
It was a difficult call when #10 Mayah tagged the Perry runner, but the runner was called safe.
#10 Mayah sent the ball to the mound.
#3 Claire sent the ball into home plate.
#13 Emily stopped the ball and ran to first base.
#3 Claire pitched to the next batter.
#9 Gaby moved into position as the pitch was thrown.
#23 Norah moved in on the field.
#23 Norah stopped the ball between first and second base.
#23 Norah threw the ball to first base.
#13 Emily made the play at first base for the third out.
#13 Emily headed to the dugout.
The Lady Moarnchs gathered in front of the dugout.
Coach Dau talked to the team.
#3 Claire tipped the ball foul.
#23 Norah stepped up to the plate for the Monarchs.
#23 Norah connected with the ball sending it foul.
#23 Norah returned to the dugout as #13 Emily came onto the field.
#13 Emily stepped into the batters' box.
#13 Emily sent the ball into play.
#3 Claire raced for first base.
Hipnar Lawn Service
Hipnar Lawn Service
#23 Norah caught the ball for the first out.
#23 Norah threw the ball back to #3 Claire.
#3 Claire pitched to the next batter.
#13 Emily hustled to get under the ball and caught it for the second out.
#3 Claire fired off a pitch to the next batter.
#5 Kamden blasted the ball in from the outfield.
#10 Mayah fired the ball to home plate.
#3 Claire pitched to the next batter.
Sunshine Styles
Sunshine Styles
#4 Rylan stopped the ball in right field.
#4 Rylan threw the ball to #13 Emily.
Schwarte Accounting
Schwarte Accounting
#13 Emily held the ball and sent it to #3 Claire.
#8 Grace.
#3 Claire fired the ball into home plate.
#3 Claire hustled to get under the ball.
#3 Claire caught the ball for the third out.
#9 Gaby hit the second pitch.
#9 Gaby raced for first base.
#9 Gaby returned to the dugout as #5 Kamden came to the plate.
#5 Kamden bunted.
#5 Kamden raced the ball to first base.
#4 Rylan tipped the ball foul.
#4 Rylan hit her second foul ball.
#4 Rylan sent the ball into play after hitting several foul balls.
#4 Rylan raced for first as the ball was caught.
#3 Claire stopped the ball by the mound.
#3 Claire threw the ball to first base.
#13 Emily made the play at first base.
Lady Monarchs!!!
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