Lady Monarch Soccer Highlights
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Lady Monarch Soccer IHGSAU Regional 1st Round Game Versus Carroll 05-17-2024
Go Lady Monarchs!!!

Estela Lupian (10) made a short pass to start the Lady Monarchs IGHSAU Class 2A 1st Round Region 4 game versus Carroll.

Janet Castillo (6) dropped the ball to an open team mate.

Leilany Morales-Garcia (2) passed the ball outside.

Libby Leon (21) directed the ball up field.

Lucky Lanes Bowling

Lucky Lanes Bowling

Karla Sanchez (9) made a forward pass.

The ball was deflected, Leilany (2) made a short pass.

Libby (21) sent the ball outside.

Janet (6) pushed the ball toward the side line.

A little later, Jimena Lupian (5) kicked the ball out of the air blocking a Carroll pass attempt.

Janet (6) relayed the ball outside.

Aremy Santos (15) passed up field.

The ball was cleared and Janet (6) sent it back in the right direction.

The ball was deflected, and Leilany Carrazco (4) knocked the ball down.

Leilany (4) sent the ball along the side line.

Later, Aremy (15) gained control of a Carroll corner kick and steered the ball up field.

Estela (10) advanced the ball.

Karla (9) moved the ball up field then kicked the ball between a defenders legs.

Karla (9) gathered the ball then fired a shot at the goal. The ball zipped past the Keeper and in to the net for a Lady Monarch goal.

The Lady Monarchs congratulated Karla (9) and celebrated the goal.

Leilany (2) carried the ball then made a forward pass.

The ball was diverted and Leilany (4) pushed it back up field.

Janet (6) passed across the field.

Estela (10) dropped the ball.

Rosy Segoviano (7)

Estela (10) centered the ball.

Rosy (7) handled a throw in for the Lady Monarchs.

Estela (10) returned the ball.

Rosy (7) sent the ball toward the goal. The Keeper was able to grab the ball.

Rosy (7) threw the ball in bounds after the goal kick.

Totten Plumbing & Heating

Totten Plumbing & Heating

Janet (6) pointed the ball in to the middle.

Jimena (5) used a header to knock the ball down.

Jimena (5) pushed the ball up field.

The ball was picked off by Carroll and Jimena (5) kicked it away to avoid a shot attempt.

Xochitl Arellano (8) cleared the ball.

Janet (6) made a pass outside.

Langenfeld Contracting

Langenfeld Contracting

Libby (21) sent the ball up field.

Estela (10) dropped the ball.

Rosy (7) beat a defender as she crossed over mid field.

Leilany (2) put a penalty kick in to play.

Janet (6) returned the ball.

Leilany (2) moved up field then made a short pass.

Libby (21) flung the ball in to play.

Aremy (15) sent the ball in to the middle.

The ball was deflected. Leilany (4) directed it back up field.

Estela (10) redirected the ball and Rosy (7) ran it down before making a pass inside.

Janet (6) conveyed the ball up field.

Leilany (2) handled a throw in.

Janet (6) hustled in to place and kicked the ball over her head.

Libby (21) split two defenders with a quick pass.

Janet (6) pushed the ball outside.

Later, in the back field, Xochitl (8) handled a penalty kick for the Lady Monarchs.

Leilany (2) made a forward pass.

Libby (21) focused the ball up the middle. It skidded past two defenders and the Keeper covered it.

Libby (21) carried the goal kick up the side line then passed toward the corner.

Hally Escobar (11) fired a shot at the goal. The shot was on target but the Keeper was able to make the stop.

Quality Truck, Tire, & Auto

Quality Truck, Tire, & Auto

At the other end of the field, Jocelyn Serrato (GK) scooped up a loose ball and sent it back in to play.

Karla (9) directed the ball up field.

The ball was kicked out. Rosy (7) gained control of the goal kick and passed up field.

Estela (10) centered the ball.

Karla (9) took a quick shot that eluded a defender but the Keeper scooped up the ball.

Janet (6) pushed the ball outside.

Xochitl (8) sent the ball up the side line.

Leilany (2) tossed the ball in to play.

The ball was deflected, and Leilany (4) sent it back up field.

Moeller Trucking

Moeller Trucking

Libby (21) advanced the ball.

A little later, Janet (6) diverted a Carroll kick.

Libby (21) switched the ball to the other side of the field.

Estela (10) dropped the ball to an open team mate.

Giana Garcia (19) handled a throw in for the lady Monarchs.

Ingrid Salas (35) made a short pass.

The ball was deflected, and Giana (19) sent it back up field.

Ingrid (35) dropped the ball.

Giana (19) pushed the ball in to the middle.

Hally (11) dropped a pass toward mid field.

Lynnae Johnson (3) and a Carroll Player kicked the ball at the same time. The ball rolled in to the Lady Monarch back field.

Leilany (4) sent the ball back in the right direction.

Lynnae (3) made a pass outside.

The ball was deflected, and Leilany (4) made a quick pass.

Jimena (5) aimed the ball up field.

Lynnae (3) advanced the ball.

The ball was kicked in to the back field and Jimena (5) directed a pass toward the side line.

Mia Garcia (14) returned the ball.

Jimena (5) made a forward pass.

The ball bounced off a Carroll Player and Jimena (5) cleared it with her knee.

Karla (9) made a pass outside.

Hally (11) kicked the ball and it bounced off a Carroll Player.

Leilany (4) advanced the ball.

Jimena (5) stopped a run at the goal by kicking the ball out of bounds.

Lynnae (3) kicked the ball off a Carroll Players leg.

Jimena (5) cleared the ball.

CarQuest Auto Parts

CarQuest Auto Parts

Ingrid (35) carried the ball up the side line then made a forward pass.

Giana (19) threw the ball in bounds.

Lynnae (3) dropped the ball to an open team mate.

Xochitl (8) returned the ball.

Lynnae (3) directed the ball in to the middle.

Hally (11) shifted the ball to the other side of the field.

Lynnae (3) sent the ball up field.

The ball was deflected, and Jimena (5) passed the ball outside.

Leilany (4) made a nice pass to mid field.

Ingrid (35) advanced the ball.

A little later, Lynnae (3) redirected the ball with a header.

Mia (14) handled a throw in.

Later, Xochitl (8) handled a corner kick.

Nadia Medina (13) passed the ball.

Kathryn Heilesen CPA

Kathryn Heilesen CPA

Karla (9) redirected the pass.

La Estrella

La Estrella

Hally (11) gained control then sent the ball outside.

Lynnae (3) tossed the ball back in bounds.

Mia (14) moved the ball inside then passed up field.

The ball was deflected, and Jimena (5) sent it back in the right direction.

Later, Giana (19) advanced the ball.

Family Table Restaurant

Family Table Restaurant

Giana (19) handled a throw in.

The ball was returned and Giana (19) made a pass up field. The ball was kicked out.

Hally (11) sent the goal kick right back at the Keeper. The b all was kicked out again.

Estela (10) handled the corner kick for the Lady Monarchs.

Carroll attempted to clear the ball but Janet (6) kicked it out.

Later, Libby (21) made a short pass.

Janet (6) sent a pass outside.

Rosy (7) advanced the ball.

The ball was kicked in to the Lady Monarch back field. Jimena (5) pushed the ball up field.

Aremy (15) made a short drop pass.

Libby (21) drove the ball forward and outside.

Estela (10) beat a defender and fired off a shot. The shot was on target but the Keeper was able to cover the ball.

Janet (6) used a header to knock down the goal kick.

Leilany (2) tossed the ball in to play.

Rosy (7) returned the ball.

Leilany (2) pushed the ball up field.

Janet (6) executed a short pass.

Rosy (7) switched the ball to the other side of the field.

Leilany (2) directed the ball up field.

Hally (11) advanced the ball.

Aremy (15) dropped the ball.

Libby (21) pointed the ball in to the Carroll back field.

After a deflection, Janet (6) beat a Carroll Player to the ball and passed up field.

Rosy (7) carried the ball up field before making a forward pass.

Estela (10) was about to shoot when she was body checked to the ground by a Carroll Player.

Estela (10) handled the penalty kick, the ball went just outside the right post.

Aremy (15) moved the goal kick up the middle before attempting a pass that was blocked.

Libby (21) battled two defenders as she played the rebound.

Genesis Reyes (31) cut off a Carroll Player forcing her to kick the ball out.

Hipnar Lawn Service

Hipnar Lawn Service

Leilany (2) handled the throw in.

Later, Genesis (31) made a nice pass up field.

Estela (10) advanced the ball.

Later, Rosy (7) pushed the ball up field.

Estela (10) relayed the ball up the side line.

Janet (6) advanced the ball.

At the other end of the field, Leilany (4) cut off a Carroll Player and turned the ball inside.

Janet (6) pointed the ball outside.

Rosy (7) aimed the ball up the side line.

Estela (10) passed the ball inside.

Sunshine Styles

Sunshine Styles

Aremy (15) made a quick pass.

Schwarte Accounting

Schwarte Accounting

The ball was deflected, and Janet (6) escorted the ball up the middle before passing.

Estela (10) dropped the ball as the Carroll defense closed in.

Leilany (2) delivered the ball up field.

Aremy (15) pushed the ball outside.

Libby (21) centered the ball.

Aremy (15) closed in as the Keeper covered the ball.

Leilany (2) passed outside.

Rosy (7) guided the ball across the middle of the field then directed the ball outside.

Libby (21) drove the ball up field.

At the other end of the field, Leilany (4) pressed the ball inside.

Lynnae (3) made a pass outside.

Leilany (2) threw the ball in bounds.

Janet (6) advanced the ball.

Estela (10) sent the ball up the sideline.

Rosy (7) handled a throw in.

Estela (10) relayed the ball along the side line.

Estela (10) tossed the ball back in to play.

Rosy (7) centered the ball.

Janet (6) made a pass in to the middle.

Leilany (2) fired a shot at the goal.

Hally (11) crashed the goal as the Keeper grabbed the ball.

At the other end of the field, Jocelyn (GK) stopped a shot from outside.

Jocelyn (GK) rolled the ball back in to play.

Xochitl (8) pushed the ball up field.

Janet (6) made a pass outside.

Rosy (7) pointed the ball in to the middle.

Leilany (2) escorted the ball across mid field then passed up field.

Later, Rosy (7) dropped the ball inside.

Janet (6) sent a pass up field.

Estela (10) dropped the ball to an open team mate.

Rosy (7) drilled a shot at the goal. The Keeper was able to cut the ball off at the right corner.

Later, at the other end of the field, Jocelyn (GK) grabbed a loose ball at the top of the box.

Jocelyn (GK) punted the ball back in to play.

Lynnae (3) pressed the ball to the side line.

Libby (21) cut inside then passed in to the middle.

Mia (14) flung the ball back in bounds.

Karla (9) ushered the ball along the side line then centered the ball.

A little later, Nadia (13) dropped a pass to an open team mate.

Leilany (4) kicked the ball up field.

Later, Lynnae (3) carried the ball to the side line then passed up field.

Jocelyn (GK) stopped a Carroll run with a nice grab.

Jocelyn (GK) put the ball back in to play.

Xochitl (8) directed the ball up the side line.

Giana (19) gathered the ball and passed inside.

Nadia (13) executed a forward pass while under pressure.

Estela (10) pushed the ball up field.

Giana (19) handled a throw in for the Lady Monarchs.

Ingrid (35) centered the ball.

A little later, Lynnae (3) made pass outside.

Mia (14) sent the ball across the field.

Giana (19) sent the ball in to the middle.

Karla (9) tried to get a clear shot then turned and dropped the ball.

Nadia (13) fired a shot at the goal. The Keeper was able to cover the ball. The Lady Monarchs continued to pressure and finished with a 2-1 regional victory over Carroll. The Lady Monarchs face Dallas Center Grimes (DCG) on Tuesday, May 21 at DCG.
Go Lady Monarchs!!!
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